For 2 or more workshops, you can save 15% when entering the code BIO2025 before clicking on the Checkout button. The “Redeem Your Coupon” link is below the Checkout button so enter coupon code before going to checkout. Please click on all the workshops for which you’d like to register. Below are the dates and times (in Central Time-please adjust for your own time zone).
Melanin Storyline Virtual Workshop
Saturday, February 22nd 10am-1pm CST
Disease Storyline Virtual Workshop
Saturday, March 8th 10am-1pm CST
Africa storyline Virtual Workshop
Saturday, April 5th 10am-1pm CST
Homeostasis Storyline Virtual Workshop
Saturday, April 26th 10am-1pm CST
Workshop leaders include educators Shane Cullian, Lisa Pavic, and Charlie Pozen